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About Samaritans

Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom.

Phone - 116 123

The helpline is open any time, day or night. Whatever you're going through, you can call Samaritans any time, from any phone for FREE.

Email -

The response time to emails is 24 hours. Writing an email can be a calm and safe way to work through what's on your mind. Especially if it feels too upsetting to talk about on the phone. Samaritans volunteers answer each email that comes through to

You don't have to be suicidal to get in touch – nearly half of the emails Samaritans receive are from people who are having a tough time, but not suicidal.

Sometimes people worry they can't write well – no matter your spelling, punctuation or how you express yourself, Samaritans are here to help.


Writing a letter can be a personal and safe way for you to get your feelings across. It might be too upsetting to talk about certain things on the phone, and writing everything down can help you work through it.

If you don’t have easy access to a computer or telephone, or just don’t like email or talking on the phone, you can write to Samaritans for free here:

PO Box 9090

You can explain your situation in as much detail as you feel comfortable with and Samaritans will aim to reply within 7 days. A hand-written response that you can keep and refer to may also suit you better.

Sometimes people worry that they can't write well. You don’t need to worry about spelling, grammar or the quality of your handwriting. You can write freely, without embarrassment or fear of being judged.

Self-Help App

Use the self-help app from Samaritans to track your mood and find practical tips and techniques to look after your emotional health.

“Writing down how I was doing helped me identify and articulate how I was feeling. It was quite a revelation really.”

Samaritans Self-Help User