
Complaints Procedure

The Students’ Union wants to deliver exceptional services and opportunities to all its members; students at Aston University. Most of the time we think we do a decent enough job, but do recognise that sometimes you might not get the experience or service you were expecting. When this happens you might want to make a complaint or give us some feedback– and that’s ok – it’s only by knowing what we don’t do very well that we can make improvements.

If you are not happy with anything about the way the Students' Union has dealt with you or a group that you are a part of, this is how to complain or make a suggestion:

  1. In the first instance, any problems or complaints should be referred directly to the staff or officers dealing with the issue so that where possible the problem can be resolved immediately and locally.

    If you do not know who to contact, you can email your complaints or feedback here: 
  2. If there is an issue that cannot be resolved, or something to which this principle cannot apply, you should email our Chief Executive Officer <> with full and clear details of your complaint.

    Your formal complaint will be investigated, evidence gathered and those involved may be asked to provide evidence, although no formal hearings will be held.

    We will try to resolve all the issues within 10 working days and you will receive an email detailing the outcome of the complaint/feedback.
  3. If you are still unhappy, or if the complaint is about the CEO, you may refer the matter to the Trustees of the Union. The Trustees include members who are neither officers nor staff of the Union. Unfortunately this process may take up to 10 weeks, as the Trustees only meet 6 times a year.