Student Representation

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What is Student Representation?

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Your education should be of the highest possible quality. To make sure that happens, we think that students' opinions should be listened to. Student Representation is the best way for students to have a meaningful say on how their course is run.

Your lecturers are experts in their fields, but you are an expert in the student experience. You know better than anyone what it's like to be a student on your course, and your expertise allows you to comment on what works well, and what areas there are for improvement.

To ensure that students' voices are heard, we ask students to volunteer as Representatives of their course and year, and meet with University staff to discuss the feedback they've got from discussions with their peers. The Students’ Union provides training and support so that you can perform your role well, develop as a person, and grow as part of a thriving community.

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The work of previous Student Reps has resulted in assessments being marked more quickly, exam policies being made fairer, and the improved provision of course materials.

What might you do as a Student Rep?

So what do Student Reps ACTUALLY do?

The work of Student Reps normally falls into four key areas:

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Gathering feedback from other students on your course (both positive and negative!)


Presenting the feedback to University staff at meetings


Agreeing with staff on actions to take to reflect students' feedback


Letting your peers know about what has been agreed


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The role of a Student Rep is quite varied, and you can choose which areas you'd like to focus on and develop in. We wouldn't expect a Student Rep to spend more than three or four hours per month on their role.


What can I get from being a Student Rep?

As a Student Rep, you can expect to benefit from:

  • Being part of a growing community of Student Reps interested in improving the experience of all Aston students and researchers;

  • Getting more involved with your course and department, working in partnership with staff and learning how the University works;

  • Representing your fellow students and making a real difference to their experience;

  • Gaining skills that assist in your personal development and help to improve your employability.

There are also a number of reward and recognition schemes to show Student Reps how much we appreciate their work. These Bronze, Silver & Gold recognition, and the Academic Awards towards the end of the year. If you are an Undergraduate student, your contribution as a Rep will be recorded on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

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How can I be a Student Rep?

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It's never been easier to become a Student Rep! All you have to do is sign up using the sign-up form below. You will then receive an email welcoming you to the community - you are now a Student Rep! Your information will be passed on to your department in the University, and they will also be in contact with you to let you know about your training opportunities and any meeting dates. 

Being a Student Rep is right for you if:

  • You're an Aston Student (apart from researchers  - please use email;

  • You want to improve the Aston experience for you and others.

If you like the sound of all this then click one of the options at the top to sign up!