Housing Quick Support

ABCs of Adulting

Moving away from your parents can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, your VPE 20/21 Jawad and VPW 20/21 Safa are here to help you out and tell you all you need to know about adulting.

If you have any questions or require advice you can contact us by email advice@aston.ac.uk or on 0121 204 4848 if you would like to book an appointment to see one of our advisers.

How Can We Help?

We provide advice on a range of housing issues to help you understand your rights and responsibilities before and after you have moved into rented accommodation:

  • Tenancy Agreements
  • Checking Contract
  • Deposits
  • Property Issues
  • Landlord Issues
  • Conflicts with Flatmates
  • Leaving Agreements Rent Early
  • Rent Arrears
  • Homelessness

Emergency Housing Support


For expert advice regarding your contract and housing rights, visit Shelter’s online advice pages which have online resources accessible 365 days a year. They also have an emergency helpline if you have nowhere to sleep tonight or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home.

St Basils

St Basils helps young people aged 16-25, across the West Midlands region, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

  • Website: St Basils
  • Telephone: 0808 800 4444 (9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday)
  • Out of Hours Telephone: 0121 675 4806 (If you're 16 or 17) or 0121 303 2296 (If you’re 18+)
  • Email: youthline@stbasils.org.uk
  • Address: St Basils Centre, Heath Mill Lane, Birmingham, B9 4AX

SIFA Fireside

SIFA Fireside offers support and services for vulnerably housed and homeless adults in Birmingham. Visitors to the Drop-In are able to access food, showers, and clothing as well as a range of support services dealing with physical and mental health.