Aston Cardiovascular Society

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  • Aston Cardiovascular Society Standard Membership£4.00


Hello, welcome to Aston Cardiovascular Society! Our events will mainly comprise of teaching on high yield topics and other events to promote knowledge in the field of cardiology! We have a fun year ahead and I hope you enjoy what we have planned!

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Currently no events

You must ensure you attach the relevant receipt or invoice to your money claim.

Aston Cardiovascular Society Elections 2024/25 v2

This election is to decide on Committee membership for the Aston Cardiovascular Society for the 2024/25academic year.

3 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 10:00 on Friday 19 April 2024 (in 2 days and 22 hours)

The polls open at 17:00 on Friday 19 April 2024 (in 3 days and 5 hours)

Any active polls will be shown below: