Academic Appeals
After Receiving Your Result
We understand it can be disappointing when you do not receive the results you were expecting. Here is some information to help you understand the options available:
- Unsure, concerned or unhappy with any marks? Contact your School Office/lecturers to request detailed feedback and further discussion to help you understand your marks and how to improve in the future.
- Spoken to your School and still not satisfied? If you have evidence of any errors made by the University that affected your assessment or result(s) and/or you experienced exceptional circumstances that affected you at the time of the assessments you could consider an appeal.
Before deciding to appeal
The following are not grounds for appeal:
- You thought you would, or should, have achieved a better mark or award.
- You disagree with the academic judgment of the marker.
- You mistakenly submitted the wrong piece of work or an unfinished draft.
The University won’t accept appeals solely on the basis that a student is unhappy with their marks or disagrees with the academic judgement of the marker.
Informal Stage - Early Resolution
If you wish to raise a concern or make an academic appeal application, You should first take steps to resolve the matter with an appropriate staff member (for example, your module leader/personal tutor or supervisor).
It is not possible to challenge academic decisions relating to marks, progression or awards, but you are given the opportunity to seek clarification and/or feedback in relation to these decisions.
When can I appeal and when is the deadline?
You will not be eligible to submit an appeal until your results have been formally agreed by the Exam Board.
In order for your appeal to be considered by the University, you must demonstrate in detail how your circumstances meet one or more of the grounds of appeal below:
- That there has been an administrative error or some other material irregularity relevant to the assessments.
- That the assessment procedure was not conducted in accordance with approved regulations.
- That the student’s performance was adversely affected by illness or other specific factors.
The appeal form can be found on the University's website. You will need to explain what grounds of appeal apply in your case and provide supporting evidence.
You must attach relevant evidence to support your appeal. For exceptional circumstances, provide evidence confirming how your ability to study and complete assessments was affected.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may request an Appeal Outcome Review by emailing the Academic Appeals Team within 14 days.
If you are still unhappy, you may submit a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA).
How we can help?
- We can explain the appeals process
- We can help you understand the grounds for appeal
- We can provide feedback on your appeal form before submission
- We can provide advice on the evidence required to support your appeal application
- We can discuss options if you're unhappy with the appeal outcome