Jan - Mar 24 Starters: Become a Student Rep

In this Section

*Student Rep signups for the 2023/24 Academic Year are now open. If you're a Ph.D. or Postgraduate Research and would like to be a Representative, please go to this Page.

This academic year we don't just want you to be a Rep, we want you to be great at it; to succeed within your role. One of the measures we have put in place to make this happen is to encourage you to view our training material before signing up so everyone can feel confident that all Reps will have demonstrated a good understanding of the role. Upon completion of the Student Rep test, you wll be given access to register as an official Rep and access to this year's Student Rep Microsoft Teams chat. 

Below you will find training videos, it is highly recommended to watch them all before starting the test as seen below especially if you have never been a rep before.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact union.voice@aston.ac.uk.







Being a Rep



Minutes & Agendas

Additional Training - Chairing Meetings