Doctor Who Society

Join Now

  • Doctor Who Society Standard Membership£2.00
  • Doctor Who Society Alumni Membership£2.00


Calling all Whovians!

We invite you to join Aston Doctor Who Society. Whether you have a mild interest in the show, are a die-hard fan who likes to dress up as K9 at conventions (you know who you are), or even if you are completely new to Doctor Who, everyone is welcome! We have weekly meetings with a large variety of fun activities.

Our plan for socials in 2021/22:

  • Writing and Decoding messages in Gallifreyan
  • Watching Classic and New Who episodes
  • Quizzes with prizes (including Kahoot!)
  • Doctor Who themed games and boardgames, including Cards Against Gallifrey.
  • Making marshmallow Adipose and biscuit decorating
  • Another trip to a Doctor Who themed escape room!

And of course, any ideas you may have are welcome too.

We plan for our weekly meetings to be at 6-9PM on Tuesdays in MB245!

Also, make sure you keep an eye on our Facebook/Instagram pages (there are links on this page) as updates/meeting details go there. 

There’s a £2 joining fee which gives access to all our meetings and goes right back into the society to provide goodies like cake, pizza, quiz prizes and jelly babies!


The 2021/22 committee consists of:

  • Lucy Bateman - President
  • Jenny Workman - Secretary
  • Sofia Rafiq - Treasurer

Please feel free to contact us via email or any of our social media if you have any questions - we'll get back to you as soon as we can!



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Currently no events

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Doctor Who Society Election 2024/25

This election is to decide on Committee membership for the Doctor Who society for the 2022/2023 academic year.

3 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 12:00 on Wednesday 31 July 2024 (in 3 days and 23 hours)

Any active polls will be shown below: