Biomedical Engineering Society

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  • Biomedical Engineering Society Standard Membership£3.00


Welcome to the Biomedical Engineering Society
Course Support // Course-Related Events // Socials


The Biomedical Engineering society is looking forward to welcoming our new members! 

This year will be filled with activities and events which aims to build connections with students from different years, assist students with professional development and more.

Follow our instagram and WhatsApp group chat to stay up to date with upcoming events!

You need to be a member of this group to view this content
Currently no events

You must ensure you attach the relevant receipt or invoice to your money claim.

Biomedical Engineering Society Committee Election 2024/25

This election is to decide on Committee membership for the Biomedical engineering society for the 2024/25 academic year.

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

Any active polls will be shown below: